Reinforced concrete design and engineering in Canada follows – CAN/CSA A23.3 Design of Concrete Structures.
Building code agencies in Canada and the USA have created ‘Acceptance Criteria and Standards’ to provide guidelines for the evaluation of the ICF material properties and manufacturing compliance standards. Outlined below are structural and construction design provisions for flat wall ICFs, that meet the building code for all building types of any height. The load bearing capacity for ICF walls can support any type of floor and roof systems. For large multi-storey buildings ICF walls may be designed as shear walls, elevator shafts, and interior load bearing walls.
Please find the downloadable PDF files below:
ICFMA Design Guide
ICFMA is the North American trade association for the insulated concrete forms industry. The main purpose of the ICFMA design guide is to educate and showcase the many benefits and advantages of insulating concrete forms to the construction industry.
Concrete is the strength | StruXure is the difference